Monday, October 4, 2010

Hobbies and Interest part 2

Folks  back with some new updates on hobbies and interest . Let me get  started .  My other hobbies are actually  shopping .  Girls and shopping  are the best partner.  I can like shop for six hours  but I would like to add that I don’t  randomly get stuff neither I am brand conscious . I like buying things which
makes   me feel comfortable when I wear them .   And I don’t really buy pricey clothing’s, that’s because I really can’t afford them .  But otherwise shopping is also a way for me release my stress. I have this fetish for tops and jeans .  but more on tops that’s because  I wear them often rather than dresses which I only wear occasionally .  Buying good quality clothing makes us realize the difference in quality and price and it also depends where you buy it

green tweed jacket
ITS A tweed  jacket
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The word   ‘FASHION’  gives a different definition upon individual thoughts . For me fashion means  sensible dressing but in my comfort  zone .  Even though you dress simple but comfortable you bring out the attire well wherelse  if its the other way then you might have problem because  there’s no ease in your face you tend to get really restless . I remember one incident though back in my previous  college I had this  friend who actually use to wear clothes which are bigger then her . She thinks wearing bigger clothing’s makes you more merchuard. Yes its true, it does . But it depends on  who .   If  the person is small in size they should get something more fitting or not then alter it .   This days clothing’s are pretty much nice especially the ones in the malls like Sunway pyramid , mid valley .

                                                       ITS diffrent sort of styles

I usually go to mall’s like that because the fitting suites me better as . I prefer buying stuff which has my size . l ike wearing printed tops  , stripe tops but I like with colors not just plan black and white . with  a pair of jeans or skirt and then that’s it  done dressing.  Don’t count the mix matching time . it does take a while . I actually stared having this craze for shopping when I was in high school .  But , It was way 3 years  ago . Okay friends will have to make move need to get crawling in the bed . really tired  .. hope you guys had a fun reading my post . As I mention this is my last post  for the assignment , but will try I post something my own.  You guys have a blast yeah , keep rockin and stay good . bye

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hobbies And Interest

Heyyy  people .  How life coming up with you guys?  Good? Bad? .  As  for me just done with my mid-year exams like a couple of days ago . Now assignments are  behind my back. Gosh the workload .  But cant neglect it either . Okay today will be my last post for the assignment but I will make some time and keep updating you guys . As for today , will step a higher ground and tell you guys more about myself . I am not a sporty . I actually didn’t really join any sort of sports even when I was in high school .  The reason being ,  its because I don’t really like getting myself getting heated up under the sun . I  know guys , its good to perspire n all . But back in high school our practices usually starts  at 4.00 and that hour the sun will be glaring on your heads. And the for some people heatstruck  can be the cause . But eventhough I don’t play but I enjoy watching  a lot of games like soccer  although I don’t really know much bout the game .  Its just a pastime , I  would actually prefer , dancing  a hundred times more than soccer . Sorry soccer fans no offence.

With the colourfull costumes

Dancing is one of the best relaxtion therapy . It actually opens your mind and releases  all the stress . Personally , I adore dancing . I wish I learnt dancing in more specific but my parents were financially unstable.   So I couldn’t really learnt dancing .  But there are various forms of dancing there is  jazz ,  belly dancing . bollywood style , ballroom  , and many more .  I individually prefer bollywood dancing because is free style there are no Rules to be followed .  Let me be more specific , if  you have done belly dancing you will only have to create  steps based on the  hips moving you can’t  do  blend other styles with belly dancing . ( Ex: belly dancing  and jazz) they can’t be blended because their movements are fixed . For bollywood dancing any sort of style will make the dance look more presentable.  And for the costumes , in bollywood dancing  preferably  Indian outfit is more appropriate  for example  for the ladies Punjabi suite and for the men kurta .  Wherelse , other dancing styles the costumes cant be change as they suite the dance movements .  In bollywood dancing the steps and the costumes have a lots of variation  in colours and steps as in they are not being repeated .


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The dance steps are usually creativity that comes within .  I almost forgot ot mention about the song  .  The songs usually are different from each other because the songs are taken from different places and complied into a CD .  I have performe bollywood dancing before but I lost the pictures.  But I hope you guys enjoy this information and get urself registered for bollywood dancing trust me you will never regret .  I will share more in my next post .  Enjoy reading guys . Stay fit  and happy . Bye !

Steps of bollywood dancing
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Writing  on a random topics kills me that’s  because  I am really  draining out of ideas . But is part of the assignment  so …   I am not a blogger so that’s why don’t really fancy blogging .  But today ‘s  discussion will be something close to my heart “ Friends “ . Friends are the best  company  after our family .  Friends usually makes us feel really comfortable when we are in our lowest moment in our life. I remember my friend “ shing su “ when were  in high school I was to a certain extent close to her . In my form four and five years we spend numerous times together.    In the same class for two years. It was unforgettable.  We used to be in a the same tuition together (recommended by me) for math’s and accounts.

From the left  : Prevena , me , Shing su

Memories  are to be cherish . So ya  that’s why friends can be good role model or a bad influence . By the way  my friends were good .  She  was one of its kind .   Just recalled one incident .  I remember  there was once where I couldn’t make it for my tuition classes  and we were given homework . And I forgot to complete my work due to my busy schedule of school .  And, finally when the day arrives I actually freak out  so then I rang her up and ask her to give me all her details from her book  for those who are wondering ( it was our accounts homework) .  And she gave all her information that was written in the book with the answer as well .  Without exuses  ex; ( like I didn’t finish mine either) or whatsoever .  We shared a lot of  topics together as said great minds think  alike .


Eventhough we were not from the same culture but hey race shouldn’t be a problem. Well she not the only one that I am attach to . I have had other friends as well . But she was the closest to me . Although we don’t meet that often but I frequently miss my high school days . Where we had shorter time in school especially Fridays  that’s because the muslims have to attend their Friday  prayer in the afternoon .  You know that there was once where I had family crisis and I was really unhappy about it . She actually offered her help in whatever way she can. But unfortunately 3 years has passed by since I graduated from high school . Still miss all those bunking school with friends. So folks don’t ever neglect your friends maxims your time with your friends.  Will share some more thoughts in my next post yeah. Till then this is dhanisha signing off.. Bye!



Hey guys.Sorry for posting late was really busy studying for my mid-term. I will make up for the two posts that I haven’t done.  Mid terms took away all my time.  As I promise you people will get to see something better in my post this week. Well have nothing really interesting in mind. But nevertheless,   will talk about ‘Relationship’. Relationship can be in any form whether it is your  friends , love , parents and many more .Having  tied up in a relationship makes us humans realise  about  such thing called as responsibility .Usually it takes a huge commitment to be in a relationship. You guys must be like ‘Ermm , I don’t get you. Make it clear ‘.What I meant was when you are committed to a relationship make sure that you don’t backstab.  That’s the most hideous thing that you can do. Apart from that I think we should learn how to share some gratitude towards people we love. Now let me be more specific on my topic the love relationship between a man and a woman.   Being a women I think  that there are alots  of expectation that we built in for the “ Mr Perfect “  that we always  dream of.  Majoriti  of the girls out there  develop this  little sense of  love or should I call it minor crushes when they reach a certain level of age .  Am I right girls !

Having a love in your life it’s a great feeling on its own.  That’s because you know that there’s someone behind you to care for you and your needs.  Love it’s the greatest feeling in the world you actually take no notice of the negative side of your partner.  But as far as for me I think that love should be  something which connects two people together from their heart .  True love is aspiration for acquaintance for the man you are in love with.   When you are familiarize   with your partner.  You will find his entire blemish but you must not aspire to remove them .  If your partner loves you he will make everything possible to remove them  himself .  When two people can make so that their character fit  and when they can make compromise  that means  that these lovebirds have this true love blooming in them . To  find a flourishing love story you need a good partner . 

True love actually changes the stance of a person  it makes people better in character ways or rather behavioral  ways .  When you and your partner think alike I don’t see any bad waves in between . But there’s something which I have to say  that love isn’t always  good in a way that there will be problems  but  losing fate in love is not a good solution .  So guys never lose fate in your love and keep loving them . Have a great day ahead .

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Sunday, September 19, 2010


Hey  humans .. wats  with   you guys .. Hope you guys are having a rocking weekend .  As promise I am back with my new post .  Couldn’t   figure anything  interesting . But will try and  give you guys a good one .  “Tips on How to Avoid Getting Pregnant  “ .   Pregnancy is a bliss but not for everybody . Especially teens whom get  pregnant  as  soon as they reach 15 .  Girls at that age can easily be hypnotize  by boys .  That’s because  girls at that age are not merchuard enough to think whether decisions made by them Is  right or wrong .  And that’s why the boys   take chance on them .   Anyways ,   there are also women  whom are not mentally prepared to become a mother to soon . Or another valid reason is just that  maybe  she is not financially  stable that’s the reason  why women these days  don’t really  fond  of being  pregnant .  Whatever be the reason, but  rather than abortion , it’s  better to adopt  ways  to pregnancy altogether.  Adoption can make a good choice but it depends to the spouse that he / she might not be able to accept the child.   
Pregnant teenage girl

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In  order to help such women’s  who don’t  intend to have children  to soon  here are the tips ,  Firstly ,  rhythm  method  in this case the women  monitors and keep tracks on her menstrual cycle and ovulation .  Depending upon her observation, she ascertains the days which she is “safe” – in another words she cannot get pregnant.  The couple can have sex only on these days.  In order to follow this particular method , It is advisable to consult  OB-GYN  for the proper documentation  of a womens cycle , as different women tend to have a different ovulation cycle .

My second tip is Using contraceptives. Using this sort of precautions  , it’s the most trusted prevention on not getting pregnant easily .  Oral contraceptives is one of  the method whereby women  modify her egg cell  production  in  such  way  that the eggs cannot be fertilized  by sperm .  A male condom on another hand , is a thin rubber material worn over the penis , to prevent sperm cells to reached the womens egg cell.  A female comdom works just like the male condom.  However,  the rubber material inserted into the women’s vagina  covering her cervix as  it blocks the uterus. The sperm does not reach so than pregnancy ca be avoided .  The next thing is IUD ( intrauterine  device)  which is a tiny device that is inserted in a womens  uterus , through a operation .  It controls the women’s  hormone’s  such a way that pregnancy doesn’t  take place . This method remains  stretch for several year.

My last tip is using abstinence and sterilization, apart from the method mentioned above , there are two extra ways where pregnancy can be avoided .  Abstinence is best for couples whom are not married , involves avoiding pregnancy by not engaging sex in the first place  in the second case sterilization  a surgical procedures is undertaken , which leaves a female or male unable to reproduce . A method to birth control , its usually  adopted by couples who do not want to have many children .  Wookay  people that’s  all  I have for today . Hope you guys apply it in your life especially the girls out there . Do not have unsafe  sex .  Will post something better soon yeah .  Have a superb weekend guys .

Girls think bout the kid that you gona have if you didnt avoid your pregnancy and you might just abort this little ones

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tips on Vegetarian Tom Yam Fried Rice

Hello  folks .. Hope u guys are having a superdupergreat life .  Well at least  I’m not  midyear is cumin up . So there’s  a lot to be done .  As i told I will be back with my new post so there you  go for this week I will be sharing with you guys” My Tips Of The Day “.  I  believe that many of you guys don’t reali know how to cook a meal .  Trust me , I used to disgust cooking  but eventually I learned it .  Ermm  today will be sharing tips on How to Cook A Vegetarian  Tom Yam Fried Rice. Frankly  speaking  I just learn this receipe  from my friend  so  I might miss a few ingredients  so for those who may think that they can add on  some variety in their dish  then my pleasure .  At first  add two bowls of uncooked  rice in the rice cooker . And  leave the  rice until it gets cooked( For those whom are unaware on how to cook rice  will give you some help .  After  adding two bowls of uncooked  rice in the rice cooker then washed the rice  and  filled  up quarter amount of  water in the rice cooker) . 

In the meanwhile  get two pieces of onions  ,  one piece of long carrot , a bunch of cauliflower and a few cloves of garlic.  Chopped them  finely .  Oh ! about  the carrots it should be grated properly . The cauliflower should also be chopped .  Then , get  a wok  add in like about one table spoon of oil (  add in to your own measurement  its optional ) . Later on , put the chopped onions , garlic and  carrots in the wok and fry it till brown . I forgot about the cauliflower add it as well when you are adding the   carrots earlier  .  Make sure you guys don’t get them overcooked or burn otherwise it will smell badly .  Back to the point , after  frying the onions and rest the rice can be mix in as well but make sure its cooked . Then after adding the rice  stir it well with the vegetables so that it blends well. 

Then , include in the tom yam paste which can be bought from the supermarkets . For those people whom prefer more  taste   soya sauce can be jumble up and it’s also makes the food even more  delicious. And  for  those  whom are spicy eaters , cili padi ( thai pepper)  is advise to be add to bring out the spicy flavor in the rice .  When the rice is mix together with the chilies and all,  take it out in a bowl and served it hot . Any sort of cold beverages will mix well with the rice  . So people I hope you enjoy my reading my receipe  and I do hope that you guys will  go after  my receipe . Then don’t forget to try it at home .  Sayonara People . hope to hear from you guys in my new post .

tom yum rice

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hari Raya

WATS up guys, How were your Raya holidays? Hope it’s all good. Wishing all my Muslims friends a ‘Very Happy Raya ‘ hope you guys had all the fun .. Will start off by talking about how important is Ramadan to the Muslims culture. Ramadan it’s actually a religious month where the Muslims fast for a month . There are various pronunciation and spelling for these words .. There are Ramazan , Ramadaan and Ramadhan . In this one month Muslims are not allowed from having any meal and neither have any water. On this month Muslims are taught to be patient. Spiritual, and also includes humility. It’s a time where Muslims fast for the sake of their almighty and moreover to offer additional prayers than usual. During Ramadan Muslims ask forgiveness to past their sins, pray for guidance and help from refraining from everyday evils and to purify themselves through self-restrain and good deeds. Muslims should start fasting from the age they reach puberty. For those who are mentally ill, chronically ill and also the elderly people are exempt from fasting. Pregnant women are also excused from fasting but in a condition they will have to make up for the fast or feed the poor people . 

Tapioca sago layerd kuih

Hari Raya is usually celebrated towards in the end of the year . We are given a few days off that’s the most interesting part that we non – Muslims get a few days off so that we can visit our Muslims friends house to participate in the raya festival . During the raya days the Muslims are suppose to wear their traditional clothing’s for the ladies they are accustomed to wear a baju kurung Or baju kebaya . And for the men they are suppose to wear a baju melayu with a samping on their waist. On this days the children of the house will ask forgivness from the elderly person n they get their duit raya . that’s the nice part of celebrating raya or infact any festivals atleast there is family unity .

Getting duit raya from the elders
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The most thing I enjoy during raya celebrations is the FOOD. Because I am a foodie. I love food even though I’m a vegetarian. That doesn’t stop me from eating my favorite raya delicacies . I like the lemang and the kuih –muih that is served during raya . And the rendang (there is vegetarian rendang if you guys are thinking how can I eat non –vege when I just I’m a vege ) especially it taste good with the ketupat or lemang. On the raya day firecrackers is regularly a need especially for the kids .Even though its band they make firecrackers out of bamboo . Firecracker frequently lights up the environment. With the sounds and all it actually completes the celebration I know to many humans out there it maybe air pollution and many people may not agree with me but hey this is a free country we are allowed to give our opinion . Okayzz people tats all I have to share with you guys wish I could share more but I’m running out of information . Hope to post something more interesting soon yeah. Take care people. Have fun .

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Bye guys have a safe raya ..  :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Oh god totaly forgot about my second post so soryy everyone.. How you guys doin ?  Talking about “ Colours of Malaysia” actually there’s a lots of things that we should be proud of Malaysia for example our Twin towers OR its known as PETRONAS Twin Towers and its one of the tallest towers in the world . We even have the Kota A Famous a which is located in Melaka which is actually know as bandaraya bersejarah . The twin towers in located at the heart of Kuala lumpur. It has total of 88 floors . And there is a sky bridge connecting between the two towers which is from the 41st floor and the 42nd floor . Which is also called the highest 2nd storey bridge in the world. The bridge Is not actually attached to the main structure but its actually designed to slide In and out to prevent from breaking during heavy strong winds.  So i guess we should value what we have got rather than comparing . Wat say u guys agree ?

The further most Malaysian proudest place is the Kota” A” Famosa. It’s among the oldest surviving European architectural that remains in Asia. Its Located in Malacca which is two hours from Kuala Lumpur. It’s the state of history. A Famosa it’s a fort built by the Portuguese after they conquered Malacca in 1511. Kota ‘A’ Famosa has a complete four tour and the wall of the building has 2.4 meters to 4.5 meters thickness. In 1583 the capital (berkota) was enclosed with seventy guns at all routes. The main motive why the Portuguese wanted the Kota “A” Famosa to be built it’s because they wanted to ward of the attack with their enemies. Time taken for Kota ‘A ‘Famosa to be made was 5 months due to poor labourship. The labors were dying due to starvation. But now this place it’s known as a main tourist attraction in Malacca. And it’s one of the famous place in Malaysia .

This is the 'A' famosa picture .. 

The additional most signifant place in Malaysia is the Mount Kinabalu which is located at the east Malaysian state which Is known as Sabah. Mount kinabalu is ranked as the 4th tallest mountain in the Malay archipelago. The mountain is actually surrounded by 4500 species of plant, 362 species of birds, and 100 mammalian species identified . Climbers should be all the time guided due to the national park regulations . There starting point is from the stimphone gate which is located 5.5 km from the kinabalu park headquarters. Accommodation is also available in the park itself and also outside the headquarters . Well i haven’t been to Sabah so don’t really know how exactly the mountain looks like but hopefully will plan a trip there soon :) .

The last thing that I want share with my viewers is about my Malaysian Flag. On the Malaysian flag there is a white and red strips. The red strips symbolize courage whereby the white represent purity. The dark blue colour represents unity among the Malaysian citizen. The crescent moon which is on the dark blue canton signify Islam the official religion in Malaysia. The 14 pointed star stand for the 13 states that we have in Malaysia which also includes federal government. The yellow colour represent royalty.  Wookay people thats all for the day . hope to post something interesting really soon .. Till then bye people  and stay good

BTW i am really sorry Dr Ben . I actually forgot to post my 2 post of Colours Of Malaysia. Arghh!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


/Hey people I’m back.. Sorry couldn’t write much yesterday because was really tired. Malaysia is a country that has a lots of diffrent colours of races . An the additional thing that amuses me about my country is the variation of culture as our country happens to be a multi race country whereby there are all sorts of people like the Malays , the Chinese and the Indians . The most popular Malay food is nasi lemak .


The next cuisine is Chinese food . One of the most popular Chinese food in Malaysia is Bak Kut Teh  which is actually famous in Malaysia , taiwan and singapore . This dish is made from "pork"

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 And the next famous Indian cuisine is ...


The picture above is the famous indian dish in malaysia and that is Thosai and Chapati.  Its usually eaten with the curry ..

The next thing that represents Malaysia is the blend of different culture. Different culture are better off because we get to learn stuff bout the other people religion and their culture . There Is differences In celebration also like for the Malay’s Hari Raya Adilfitri is celebrated by all muslim after a one month of fasting period . The Hari Raya celebration goes on for 2 days ...

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The next celebration that is celebrated in Malaysia in Chinese New Year . Its usually celebrated in the month of February according to the lunar calender . On this celebration the Chinese usually have a happy environment . On this day “ Lion Dancing “ is known in their culture . Lion dancing basically done because it’s a believe it brings good luck to the businessman in exchange of the red envelope. The Chinese New Year its celebrate in a very colourfull method .


The next Festival in Malaysia is Deepavali . Which signifies as the Festivel Of Lights . On this day clay lamp should be lighted up due to indicate that the triumph of good over evil . On this day the men and ladies should be dress up in Indian tradisional colourfull and brightfull clothing’s and the first thing in the morning they should pray to the altar to seek blessings from the almighty for a successful life ahead . This day fire cracker should also be cracked up because it signifies that it’s a celebration day .

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This picture was taken on 2009 last year when i celebrated diwali in my cousins house . I mean i did celebrate in my house but i went over her house in the night . On the left is me  in the middle its my cousin sister and on the right is my sis .  It was great fun  and i was having a blast .  I guess i have spoken enough .. hope u guys like my pictures . .Oh ya before i forget to all my muslim friends happy raya .. have fun guys ..  sayonara people

Sunday, August 29, 2010

This pic was taken when me and my fren joined "Mirrors' its a company where they get you done up 'as in" get make up and hair done . Take pic and pose  and you will be voted and at the end of the year if you are able to collect the most votes you will win the first prize.
In college me and my frens  we actually kinda like pose around nearby the lake before going for our next class .  There are like 7 of us . This pictures are like blur because it was took in a standard caption . but we all had a lot of fun taking them ..

Saturday, August 28, 2010

college days

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Its been almost a month in college . Time realy flies . Had a lot of joy and fun getting to know a wholesome of new friends . Hope to see my frens soon as we are on 4 days of  break . :)